Review Questions for the first midterm:
(These review questions are meant to identify key topical areas
covered in the course. The questions on the midterm may be
different. Additional areas may be covered on the midterm.)
- Which stars are most likely to have planets?
- What generation star is our Sun?
- What is Planck's Law?
- How are heavy elements produced?
- What are the different types of electromagnetic radiation?
- How are they produced?
- How are they used everyday?
- What are the characteristics of life?
- What is the Drake equation?
- Who first observed the expansion of the galaxies?
- Why is carbon so plentiful and good for helping to make life?
- Why doesn't the Sun blow-up?
- What is the smallest piece of light, an element, a compound?
- What is temperature really?
- Who first measured the size of the Milky Way?
- How big is it?
- Where do we live in it?
- Who came up with the Cepheid Period-Luminosity relationship?
- How are atoms made? At what temperature?
- How are molecules made? At what temperature?
- What is the importance of dust in molecular clouds?
- What lessons have we learned from studying molecules in space?
- What is the heaviest element made in nuclear fusion? Why?
- How old is the Universe?
- Who worked on developing the spectral classification system of stars?
- Who invented the camera?
- Who put the first camera on a telescope?
- How hot was the Universe 100sec after the Big Bang?
- What observational evidence is there for the Big Bang?
- How long does the star formation process take?
- How long does a star like our Sun live, that is, have nuclear fusion going on in its center?
- What are the properties of molecular clouds?
- If a cloud is cold, what kind of star is it more likely to make?
- What are the steps to figuring out the star formation rate of a galaxy?
- How do we determine the mass of a galaxy?
- How do we know star formation is ongoing?
- About how many stars are in the Milky Way?
- What are the steps to making a star?
- What are the properties of a protostar?
- What is the temperature on the surface of the Sun?
- What is the temperature at the Sun's center?
- How do we know what atoms and molecules are out in deep space?
- Why are stars important for life?
Review Questions for the second midterm:
(These review questions are meant to identify key topical areas
covered in the course. The questions on the midterm may be
different. Additional areas may be covered on the midterm.)
- What is a planetesimal?
- Originally there were many of these in our solar system. What happened to them?
- What evidence is there that planetesimals existed?
- About how long does it take to go from a protoplanetary disk to a solar system with planets?
- What is the most important factor in determining where in a protoplanetary disk a Jupiter size planet might form?
- What are paleomagnetic stripes?
- What is the star formation rate of the Milky Way?
- What is the most widely accepted theory for the origin of the Moon?
- What is the diameter of the Earth?
- What does the internal structure of the Earth look like?
- Why is the center of the Earth so hot?
- How hot is it?
- How do we know what the internal structure looks like?
- What are the different layers of the Earth's interior made of?
- What is the temperature of the Earth's core?
- What parts of the Earth's interior are convective?
- What is the origin of the Earth's magnetic field?
- What are the ionosphere, Van Allen Belts, and magnetosphere?
- How can we tell if the core of a planet is at least partially molten?
- What is plate tectonics?
- What is a mid-oceanic ridge?
- What was Pangaea?
- What are the different techniques used for finding planets around other stars (i.e. extrasolar planets)?
- Which technique(s) are best for detecting a face-on planetary system?
- Which technique(s) are best for detecting an edge-on planetary system?
- Why are massive planets close to a star easier to detect?
- Why is direct imaging of planetary systems so hard?
- What can astronomers do to improve the image quality?
- About how many extrasolar planets have been detected so far?
- What is the habitable zone (or ecosphere) of a star?
- What factors affect the surface temperature of a planet?
- What is the ``Greenhouse Effect Thermostat"?
- Why is it important to life on Earth?
- What is comparative planetology?
- Be able to compare the early history of Earth, Venus, and Mars.
- What properties make a star a "Good" star for hosting an Earth-like planet?
- Where did the Earth's early atmosphere come from?
- What was the Earth's early atmosphere made of?
Review Questions for the third midterm:
(These review questions are meant to identify key topical areas
covered in the course. The questions on the midterm may be
different. Additional areas may be covered on the midterm.)
- What was the earliest life form on Earth?
- What is an amino acid?
- What is a monomer? A polymer?
- What are the building blocks of life?
- What are RNA and DNA? How do they work?
- What is the length of a human DNA molecule?
- What was the Urey-Miller experiment all about?
- Name the types of neurons. Be able to label parts of a neuron cell.
- What's a synapse?
- What processes data faster - a computer or a brain? Which one can hold more information?
- What is the size of the human brain?
- How much of your brain storage is used up in a typical lifetime?
- How is information stored in DNA and in your brain? Which can hold more information?
- How do we compare intelligence between species?
- What are the parts of the brain? What do they do?
- How long has Cro Magnon man been around?
- Where/how can polymers form?
- How might we be able to make DNA?
- What's panspermia?
- Why do mammals rule Earth today?
- What life form has dominated Earth the longest?
- How do we compare DNA?
- Based on DNA, which species is closest to us?
- What is a prokaryote and a eukaryote?
- When and how was oxygen first produced on Earth? What was its effect?
- What is punctuated equilibrium?
- What determines how much information can be stored in DNA?
- What is the Linnaeus Classification system?
- How old might the oldest civilization be in our galaxy?
- Where and why did modern civilization begin?
- Where did mitochondria come from?
- What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction?