The Astronomy Picture Of The Day:
(click on image for details)
Astronomy 202
Date of last modification:
Past Announcements:
The final can be taken on either: December 13th at 9 PM or December 16th at 11 AM<
Review Questions pdf file for the final has been uploaded under "Handouts"!
Lab 4 has been uploaded under "Handouts"! It is due December 7th
Review Questions have been posted under "Review Questions"!
Guideline for problem one in Lab 3 has been uploaded under "Handouts"!
Notes for 16/11 Tuesday's class have been uploaded!
09/11: Twentyfourth class
Topic: The evolution of huma
n knowledge
The third lab has been uploaded under "Handouts"!
Notes for 09/11 Tuesday's class have been uploaded!
09/11: Twentythird class
Topic: The evolution of huma
n kind
Notes for 04/11 Thursday's class have been uploaded!
04/11: Twentysecond class
Topic: The evolution of the
Notes for 02/11 Tuesday's class have been uploaded!
02/11: Twentyfirst class
Topic: The evolution of inte
Notes for 28/10 Thursday's class have been uploaded!
28/10: Twentieth class
Topic: The evolution of life
Notes for 26/10 Tuesday's class have been uploaded!
26/10: Nineteenth class
Topic: DNA and the origin of
Notes for 21/10 Thursday's class have been uploaded!
21/10: Eightteenth class
Topic: Organic chemistry ...
Lab exercise 2 has been uploaded to "Handouts"! It is due Nov. 2!
Notes for 19/10 Tuesday's class have been uploaded!
19/10: Seventeenth class
Topic: Organic chemistry
Andras will NOT be holding office hour on Wednesday!
Review Questions for Thursday's midterm have been posted!
Notes for 07/10 Thursday's class have been uploaded!
07/10: Fourteenth class
Topic: The habitable zone
Third and fourth problem of the first lab are due Thursday!
Notes for 05/10 Tuesday's class have been uploaded!
05/10: Thirteenth class
Topic: Formation of Pangaea, and the Earth's Atmosphere
GUIDELINE on how to solve the lab has been posted under "Handouts"!
Don't forget, only the first two problems are due Tuesday!
Notes for 30/09 Thursday's class have been uploaded!
28/09: Twelfth class
Topic: The Earth's Magnetosphere
Slides, notes and video for 28/09 Tuesday's class have been uploaded!
28/09: Eleventh class
Topic: Extrasolar Planets ... continued
Slides for 23/09 Thursday's class have been uploaded!
The handout for the first laboratory exercise has been uploaded to "Handouts"
23/09: Tenth class
Topic: Extrasolar Planets ... continued
Slides for 21/09 Tuesday's class have been uploaded!
21/09: Ninth class
Topic: Extrasolar Planets
Previous Readiness Quiz quesions and practice questions have been posted under new tabs!
Restructured Slides/Notes section to avoid cluttering
14/09: Seventh class
Topic: The primordial soup
Links on topics covered in our sixth class have been listed under the "Slides/Notes" section
09/09: Sixth class
Topic: Planet formation, Ear
th's origin ... continued
Slides presented in class and links on topics covered on our fifth class have been listed under the "s
lides/notes" section
07/09: Fifth class
Topic: Planet formation, Earth's origin
Readiness Quiz questions have been posted under "Slides/Notes"
Links on topics covered on our fourth class have been listed under the "slides/notes" section
The Astronomy Club will be holding it's monthly star party out at
Sabino Canyon this Saturday, September 4 from 6-10pm. Please
support the Astronomy Club and take your friends and families for
telescope viewing and activities. They really hope to see you there!
02/09: Fourth class
Topic: From Molecules to Stars ... continued
Slides from third lecture have been uploaded to
website along with some links of interest!
31/08: Third class
Topic: From Molecules to Stars
List of topics and links for the second class have been listed under the "Slides" tab.
Slides for the second class have also been uploaded.
26/08: Second class
Topic: From Big Bang to Atoms
Slides from first lecture have been uploaded to website along with some links of interest!
24/08: First class day!
Topic: From Big Bang to Atoms